Leading with IMPACT

Key Motivators


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GrowthRx - Leading with Impact

Leading with IMPACT

In May, I had the privilege of joining an exceptional group of leaders working in the healthcare space for the IMPACT leadership course. The motivation that drew me to GrowthRx was a personal desire to become the future version of those leaders who inspire me today. The healthcare space is a dynamic and challenging environment, and will be even more so in the future, meaning the leaders of tomorrow need to preparing and developing right now. 

To say that the course was packed full of valuable lessons wouldn’t begin to do it justice, rather, it was a transformative journey of self-reflection and deep connection. 

For a young health professional, developing and nurturing our communication skills is as valuable as any technical skill. The ability to connect with clients, colleagues and direct reports elevates our clinical ability, and sets the foundation for the strong leadership that underpins quality health care. 

Where GrowthRx Impact really stood out, was an emphasis on how to build genuine connection and be empathetic in communication. A lesson that stood out particularly was a deep dive into how the best communicators use questions to create connection. Digging deeper with more questions than the average person, coupled with being consciously receptive of their peers sets some of the best leaders apart. 

Beyond connecting, building the skills to have those more difficult conversations was also a standout. Reflection on our own areas for improvement set the foundation to test ourselves with difficult topics that most people might shy away from. But armed with a dozen new skills, the opportunity to get comfortable being uncomfortable proved to be groundbreaking for many.  

Reflecting back on IMPACT, a few key takeaways really stood out me: 

Firstly, communication skills should be a priority point of development for any young health professional. They add priceless value for anyone who is seeking to better connect with their clients, or grow into a leadership role in the future. 

Second – To truly connect requires vulnerability. Be curious, ask more questions and set the stage for empathetic listening and open mindedness. Share your experiences, and find points of common ground to meet on.

Lastly, be humble. Not all conversations are meant to be easy, and none of us are perfect leaders at all times. Make space for learning, and recognise that the difficult conversations are a great place for growth. 

The lessons taken from this course were profound and most of all inspiring. The gauntlet has been laid down for myself and other leaders of the future to put ourselves to the test, prepare for what the future in healthcare might look like, and to aim to leave a lasting IMPACT.