Sales in Healthcare

Key Motivators


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GrowthRx - Sales in Healthcare

The One Thing No One Wants to Admit, But Is The Most Important Thing We Do…

The most successful practitioners are those who have mastered salesmanship. In fact, I’d go as far as saying that it is the most valuable skill you can learn, regardless of your profession. [Along with empathy of course.]

You must learn to SELL.

There, I said it.

In the world of healthcare, the notion of being in sales might seem contradictory to our primary mission of healing and caring for patients. However, as I immerse myself in the teachings of Napoleon Hill’s “Secrets of Master Salesmanship” during my recent holiday, I’ve come to realise the profound implications of embracing the concept of salesmanship, even in private practice.

I’ve always delivered a module on ‘Sales’ as part of my Good to Great in Private Practice Course; conviction trumps confidence. But the more I reflect on my 20 years as a clinic owner, educator and mentor, the more believe it is the most important part of our job.






Napoleon Hill, a revered author of ‘Think & Grow Rich’ and self-help pioneer, dedicated his life to studying success principles and empowering individuals to achieve their goals. This is what we do!

Failure to acknowledge the importance of sales can lead to struggles in attracting patients and sustaining practices. As mentors for the next generation of healthcare providers, it’s imperative that we recognise the pivotal role of ‘salesmanship’ and instill this mindset in aspiring practitioners, ensuring their success in private practice and beyond.

His insights resonates deeply with the challenges we face in private practice, where attracting and retaining patients, for sustainability is essential for success.

Hill’s ‘nine basic motives for buying’ shed light on the psychology behind patient behavior and the importance of understanding their needs and motivations. From the desire for self-preservation to the fear of illness, these motives underscore the urgency of addressing health concerns and providing solutions that resonate with patients on a deeper level.

Today, I want to share my ‘7 Rules of Selling Healthcare’ with you.

  1. The Emotion of Love and Sex: While these motives may not seem immediately applicable to healthcare, they underscore the importance of building positive relationships with our patients. Just as love and attraction drive personal relationships, genuine care and empathy are the foundation of patient trust and loyalty.


  1. The Desire for Monetary Gain: In healthcare, this translates to the value patients place on their health, investments, and well-being. By emphasising the long-term benefits of preventive care by delivering high value treatment and ongoing management, we can help patients see the value in investing time and money in their health.


  1. The Desire for Self-Preservation: This motive lies at the heart of healthcare, as individuals seek to maintain their physical and mental well-being. By offering solutions that address patients’ health concerns and empowering them to take control of their wellness journey, we fulfill a fundamental human need.


  1. The Desire for Freedom of Body & Mind: Healthcare enables individuals to live life to the fullest by promoting physical and mental freedom. Whether it’s through rehabilitation services, manual therapy, mental health support, or lifestyle interventions, we inspire patients to live life on their own terms.


  1. The Desire for Self-Expression: As healthcare providers, we play a vital role in helping patients express their true selves by overcoming health challenges and achieving their goals. By understanding their unique needs and aspirations, we can tailor treatment plans that resonate with their values and lifestyle.


  1. The Desire for Perpetuation of Life After Death: While this motive may touch on spiritual beliefs, it also speaks to the innate human desire for legacy and impact. By helping patients live healthier, more fulfilling lives, we contribute to their legacy and leave a lasting impression on future generations.


  1. The Emotion of Anger and Fear: These emotions underscore the urgency of addressing health concerns and taking proactive steps to prevent adverse outcomes. By highlighting the potential consequences of inaction and offering solutions that alleviate fears and concerns, we empower patients to take charge of their health.



As mentors for the next generation of healthcare providers, it’s imperative that we acknowledge the pivotal role of salesmanship in our field. By embracing this mindset and equipping aspiring practitioners with the skills and mindset needed for success in private practice, we ensure their ability to thrive and make a meaningful impact in the lives of their patients.

No one wants to admit it, but if you can’t sell a management plan, outcomes, health, trust or hope you won’t make it in private practice.

At the end of the day, our service comes with a financial transaction. If we are going to charge for it, we need to know how to sell it!

Together, let’s redefine the narrative around sales in healthcare in a more positive and empowering light and pave the way for a future where ethical salesmanship is not just a choice but a necessity for success and impact — not only for a successful practice, but for practitioners and patients alike.


Bringing you my best,


Jade Scott