The Fuel That Keeps Your Employees’ Fire Burning

Key Motivators


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The Fuel That Keeps Your Employees’ Fire Burning

Judy Cirullo, PT, ACC, CPC, C-IQ Certified CEO / Owner, Grow Strong Teams


Did you know – 70% of employees are not engaged at work. That’s a significant amount of wasted potential!


One of the biggest reasons for employee disengagement is a lack of Motivation

Understanding your team members’ Motivators is crucial for business owners because it enables you to address the challenges associated with your most valuable asset – your PEOPLE.

When employees are motivated, their innovation and productivity flourish.

Let’s dive into the powerful world of Motivators to learn the difference between Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivators and which one leaves a lasting imprint on the landscape of your business!


Understanding the Distinction: Intrinsic vs. Extrinsic Motivators

At the heart of effective employee Motivators lies a fundamental distinction between Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivators.


Intrinsic Motivators are those inherent sparks that ignite within an individual. They encompass the satisfaction derived from a task well executed or the sense of achievement stemming from mastering new skills.

On the flip side, Extrinsic Motivators emerge from external sources, including monetary rewards, tangible incentives, and public recognition. While Extrinsic Motivators might wield their influence in the short term, it’s Intrinsic Motivators that

reveal their might over the long haul.

This phenomenon can be attributed to the alignment of Intrinsic Motivators with our core values and psychological needs. The potency of Intrinsic Motivators lies in its ability to foster deep engagement, resulting in the production of high-quality outcomes.


Delving into the Distinctions

Let’s delve deeper into the contrasting characteristics of Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivators:

Intrinsic Motivators:

  • Arise from an individual’s inner drive
  • Intimately connected with core values and needs
  • Sustainable influence over the long-term
  • Correlated with enhanced engagement and productivity

Extrinsic Motivators:

  • Stem from external rewards or punishment
  • Less aligned with personal values and needs
  • Short-term impact with potentially diminishing returns
  • Linked to reduced engagement and productivity over time


The Power of Intrinsic Motivators

As you read this, are you asking yourself: Why do Intrinsic Motivators possess a more enduring and profound impact than their Extrinsic counterparts?

It’s because Intrinsic Motivators offer:


Alignment with Core Values and Needs

Intrinsic Motivators resonate deeply because they harmonize with our values and psychological needs.

Accomplishing tasks driven by personalized catalysts elicits a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction, sustaining our momentum even in challenging times.



Extrinsic Motivators often operates on a carrot system – perform well and receive a reward. However, this cycle can falter once the rewards cease. In contrast, Intrinsic Motivators thrive in the absence of external stimuli, drawing strength from the personal satisfaction derived from the work itself.


Enhanced Engagement and Productivity

When individuals are Intrinsically Motivated, their connection to their work deepens. The genuine interest in the task supersedes the allure of external rewards, resulting in heightened engagement and the generation of top-tier outcomes.


Cultivating a Culture of Intrinsic Motivators

Intrinsic Motivators is the key to a motivated and engaged workforce committed to achieving greatness.

Imagine a sailboat without wind

Can you picture it stuck, drifting aimlessly?

Similar to that boat out on the sea, without Intrinsic Motivators, employees can feel adrift, lacking direction and purpose.

Motivators are like the wind in the sails of a person’s professional journey that propels them forward.

The invisible air currents give your teams the power to reach their destination with purpose and determination.

Similar to how no two sails harness the wind in exactly the same manner, each team member resonates uniquely with various Motivators

Many leaders make the mistake of focusing ONLY on Extrinsic Motivators, not realizing the true power of tapping into Intrinsic Motivators instead.

Remember, Intrinsic Motivators is that inner drive that propels us to pursue tasks for the sheer joy of it.

It’s the thrill of mastering a new skill or experiencing personal growth.

Extrinsic Motivators, on the other hand, stems from external rewards like salary, job perks, and benefits – they’re important, but they are not the long-term catalysts leaders are looking to create.

While Extrinsic Motivators might initiate a spark, it’s the Intrinsic Motivators that truly keep the fire burning inside your team.

By understanding your staff’s Motivators, you can create a work environment where everyone feels impassioned and appreciated, ultimately leading to a more productive workforce!

Are you ready to ignite your team’s potential and make Intrinsic Motivators a cornerstone of your

success story? Take the FREE quiz and contribute to industry data HERE.